What do I mean by “holidays will never be boring again”? Am I crazy? You’re damn right I’m crazy. Crazy about watches. Do you know the worst thing about going on holiday? And I’m talking even worse than knowing the four-star hotel your girlfriend insisted on visiting cost the same as a new watch (or whatever percentage of whatever Speedmaster I’m lusting over that week). Worse than that unbearable woe is not being able to take enough watches on holiday with me. Thanks to the Bosphorus Leather watch trunk, that will no longer be a problem.

I’ve decided I’m going to just buy my underwear when I get there and bin it before I leave. Who needs boxer shorts when you’ve got 30 watches in your trunk? Not me, no sir. 30 watches is a nice amount. It’s a nice round number. And it’s certainly enough to make sitting on the beach, watching the ocean go out and come in over and over again a little less mind-numbing.


Gah. “Paradise”. Coconuts threatening to fall on your head. Overpriced Malibu and lemonade. Sun lotion in your eyes. All of those terrible things can be overcome by having 30 watches in a handy travel case by your side. Honestly, I always struggled to put my finger on why I hated holidays so much. I thought it was because I am a workaholic. Turns out, it was separation anxiety.


Bosphorus Leather strikes again

I’m on a real Bosphorus Leather kick at the moment. Recently, I reviewed my new 15-watch case. I really love how classy that piece is, with its rich, Birmingham Leather exterior. Being a bit of a pedant when it comes to details and coordination, I asked Bosphorus to make the edging of this here watch truck out of the same Birmingham Leather so that when I stack them on top of one another they match… Honestly. That matters to me. And if things like that matter to you too, you’re in luck.


Although the website doesn’t list the customization options, there are many. It is probably more efficient for you to envisage your perfect case set-up (including the number of internal pockets or compartments) and pitch it to the friendly staff at Bosphorus Leather. Production time should take around a week (longer in busier periods), and delivery is roughly the same.


You can customize the color of the leather, the type of the leather, the hardware, the color accents, the suede lining of the case, and, it would seem, pretty much anything else you can see on the site. How is this possible? Each product is made from scratch, by hand.

The company is based in Turkey and has a fine international reputation for delivering top quality products in a timely fashion. The build quality is robust, the materials are top grade, and the detailing is, as it always should be when it comes to watchmaking accessories, precise.


30 is the magic number

I vacillated for a while over which pocket configuration to go for. Really, I wanted as many as possible. As such, I could have dropped out the two lidded compartments and replaced them with another six watch pockets. But, I’m a sucker for experimentation too. Having ordered the 15-watch Birmingham Leather case with nothing but watch pockets, I wanted to try something different. Given how nicely made this trunk is and how well-finished the lids of the compartments are, I really do not regret it at all.

I suppose if you’re going away for a short break — perhaps 2–4 nights — you could use those compartments to store your essentials, such as your travel toothbrush, toothpaste, sunglasses, and wallet. Along with 30 watches, I believe that is all any self-respecting man needs to travel the world. And assuming you’re decent at mental arithmetic, the aggregate time reading across 30 timepieces would surely best any kind of tourbillon the industry has to offer.

So if you were thinking that €1,999 is a lot for a handmade, leather, totally customizable watch trunk that would make you the envy among your Hogwarts peers, look at it as a “watch collection>tourbillon conversion kit”. In that light, it’s a bargain. But even if that slightly humorous take didn’t raise a smile, I am pretty sure that the quality of these watch trunks will should you receive one as a gift in the coming weeks. There’s still time, but you’d better start dropping hints now… Learn more about Bosphorus Leather by checking out the brand’s new website here.